Top 4 QuickBooks Competitors

QuickBooks is a major accounting software firm in the United States and beyond. Marking the staggering success of Quicken, an accounting service company for huge conglomerates, Scott Cook and Tom Proulx started their own enterprise with similar services geared only toward small and medium-sized business owners. Under the ownership firm Intuit Inc., the software was launched as QuickBooks in 1983.

HeadquartersMountain View, CA, US
SIC Code8721
StatusService, Independent Company
Industry SectorAccounting Software
Trading SymbolNASDAQ: INTU

QuickBooks similar companies:

Xero, Sage, FreshBooks, YNAB, QuickBooks Self Employed, Wave Accounting, Zoho Books Accounting, Bonsai, FreeAgent and Spendwise.

Today, QuickBooks is one of the leading accounting services companies in the trade, thanks to its stellar on-site applications and innovative cloud-based offerings. However, if you, for whatever reason, are dissatisfied with their services, then here are a few of its most prominent competitors.

QuickBooks Competitors:

Infor, Xero, FreshBooks, Sage Intacct.

Who is QuickBooks Biggest Competitor?

The biggest competitor of QuickBooks is Infor. Its revenue of $3.2 billion is much greater than that of QuickBooks ($1 billion). But to be fair, Infor offers a number of cloud computing services other than accounting software. It is based in New York City, NY, and it mostly serves multinational companies.

How QuickBooks makes Money

As mentioned earlier, QuickBooks offers accounting services to small and medium-sized businesses. It guarantees the handling of every bookkeeping requirement of the business, right from overlooking transactions to managing employee salaries, through either on-site help or a fully automated cloud service platform. It charges a reasonable fee for the services.

Accounting Services

QuickBooks accounting services mostly involve in-office consulting and training along with the provision of accounting software. For Microsoft Windows OS, its cloud-based features are available internationally, but macOS users should be exclusively based in the US.


Infor was founded in 2002 as an enterprise software firm in Malvern, PA. It has immensely expanded since then, with a great reach in every corner of the planet, and with numerous cloud-based services on offer.

Accounting Services

Despite offering a wide variety of services, Infor’s major product is its automated accounting software. With a superb user-friendly dashboard design and its deployment via a trusted app, Amazon Web Services, Infor has become the leading service provider in the industry.


Xero is the largest international competitor of QuickBooks. Established in 2006 by Rod Drury and Hamish Edwards, the company is currently based in Wellington, New Zealand. It has a number of clients throughout NZ, Australia, US, UK, and several other parts of the globe.

Accounting Services

With over two million subscribers to its name, Xero generates annual revenue of $848 million. Its employee number of 3600 is rapidly growing by the day.


With a name that sounds similar to QuickBooks, FreshBooks was founded in 2004, and it offers services similar to its competitor. The company generates revenue of $55 million.

Accounting Services

Presently based in Toronto, Canada, FreshBooks provides its accounting platform in a number of different languages, including English, Spanish, German, French, and Swedish.

Sage Intacct

An international company headquartered in San Jose, CA, Sage Intacct provides its unique accounting software to small and medium-sized businesses. It was founded in 1999, and it has an employee base of around 500.

Accounting Services

Sage Intacct renders financial management services to businesses in the US, Canada, Australia, UK, and South Africa. Its revenue lies somewhere around the $67 million mark.


Top 4 QuickBooks Competitors: Infor, Xero, FreshBooks, Sage Intacct. Every year, they amass a total of around $5.1 billion in the accounting services industry. Their cumulative employee count is 22,842.

Competitor’s Stats:

Infor2002New York City, NY, US18,000
Xero2006Wellington, NZ3642
FreshBooks2004Toronto, Canada500
Sage Intacct1999San Jose, CA, US500

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